

ヤマミカドバト Mountain Imperial Pigeon (Ducula badia)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Note: In this book, this bird is described as Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon (Ducula radiata), which is a different species. I confirmed that the image of this bird is of Mountain Imperial Pigeon (Ducula badia) at below sites. http://tolweb.org/Ducula_badia/91186 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Imperial_Pigeon

Distribution. This bird is found practically throughout Burma, north and south, though absent from the dry zone of plains in north-central Burma.

In its habits this bird differs in noway from the Green Imperial Pigeon.

注: 本文中ではこの種はハイガシラオビオバトとして記述されているが、上記の2サイトによるとヤマミカドバトであるらしい(実際前者の種はインドネシア固有種で、本書で記述された生息地と異なっている。)


分布. この鳥はビルマ全域に見られるが、中央北部の乾燥した平地にはいない。


鳩 ヤマミカドバト イラスト Mountain imperial pigeon
ヤマミカドバト Mountain Imperial Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

ヤマミカドバト壁紙 Mountain Imperial Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1000)

ヤマミカドバト壁紙 Mountain Imperial Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1200)

ヤマミカドバト壁紙 Mountain Imperial Pigeon 
iphone wallpaper (960x640)