

ムネアカアオバト Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Note: In this book, Treron bicincta were divided into two subspecies, Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta domvillii) and Lesser Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta bicincta). Description and image below are of latter one.

Distribution. Ceylon, Malabar, and the Bombay Presidency as far north as Kanara, the south of Madras to about latitude 14˚.

It is very common in parts of Ceylon, Travancore, and in Malabar, but outside these districts seems tobe very rare. The species, both this and domvillii, seems to require forest or extremely well wooded country of considerable humidity, and is rare or absent in the more dry zones.

It has a regular time, like other Fruit-Pigeons and Doves, for drinking, which is about seven in the morning and four in the afternoon.

The flesh of this species is succulent and well-flavoured.

分布. セイロン(スリランカ), マラバル, ボンベイ(ムンバイ)の北はカナラ, 南はマドラスの北緯14˚まで生息する。

この亜種はセイロンやトラヴァンコール藩王国, マラバルでは普通に見られるが、これら以外の地域ではほとんど見られない。それは、この亜種とTreron domvilliiが湿度を十分にもつ森や林を好み、乾燥地帯に住まない為のようである。



鳩 ムネアカアオバト イラスト
ムネアカアオバト Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)