

ハシブトアオバト Thick-billed Green Pigeon (Treron curvirostra)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (Summary). The Thick-billed Green Pigeon is found throughout the Himalayas from Nepal in the west, the better wooded parts of eastern Bengal, throughout Burma,  Annam, Siam, and Cochin China.

Very common in north-east frontier of India, Bhutan, the Miri (city of Malaysia), and north-west Burma.

They do well in captivity, and are very handsome little Pigeons, the brilliant red of their bill and the vivid green of the orbital skin considerably enhancing the general beauty of their lovely plumage. If the birds get ill the green of the orbital skin becomes very dull and more of a livid than a verdigris green.

分布 (要約). この鳩はヒマラヤ全域、ベンガル州の森林地帯、ミャンマー全域、ベトナム, タイ, コーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム)に生息する。



鳩 ハシブトアオバト イラスト
ハシブトアオバト Thick-billed Green Pigeon
(左が雌, 右が雄; Left, female, Right, male)
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)