

キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon (Treron phoenicopterus)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Note: In this book, Yellow-footed Green Pigeon was divided into three subspecies, Crocopus phoenicopterus phoenicopterus (Bengal Green Pigeon), Crocopus phoenicopterus viridifrons (Burmese Green Pigeon) and Crocopus phoenicopterus chlorogaster (Southern Green Pigeon).
Description and image below is about Burmese Green Pigeon.

Distribution. The range of this subspecies extends over northern Burma and the hill-ranges of north-east Burma, south-east into Cochin China, and as far south as Moulmein.

It is essentially a bird of the plains, as Osmotreron phayrei (Ashy-headed Green Pigeon) is of the hills. It has all the habits of the other Green Pigeons, and like them, is very noisy and quarrelsome when feeding.

注: この本ではキアシアオバトの3種の亜種を取り上げ、この項目はその1種のもの Burmese Green Pigeonのもの。

分布. この亜種は北ビルマや北東ビルマの丘陵地帯, 東南はコーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム), 南はモーラミャイン(ミャンマーの都市; 英領ビルマの首都)まで生息する。


鳩 キアシアオバト イラスト
キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
From  "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon 
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