

ユキバト Snow Pigeon (Columba leuconota)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution.  Throughout the higher Himalayas.  Kashmir, Ladak, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and the highest ranges of the Dafla and Mishmi Hills.

The Snow-Pigeon is essentially a bird of the more lofty mountains, breeding at elevations from 10,000 ft. up to 15,000 ft. In the winter months it descends to lower hills, but even then it is apparently never seen below 5,000 ft.

分布. ヒマラヤの高地全域、インド、チベット、ネパール、ブータンなどに生息する。

ユキバトは高い山に住む鳥であり、約3000m~4600mくらいの高度で繁殖する。 冬になるとより低い地域まで降りてくるが、1500m以下に現れることはない。

鳩 ユキバト snow pigeon イラスト
ユキバト Snow Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)


ヒメモリバト Stock Dove (Columba oenas)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution. Stock Dove is a migratory bird, summering in Central Asia and visiting India only in the cold weather.

Note: In this book, the description are of subspecies Columba oenas eversmanni, which is a geographical race of Columba oenas oenas (=European stock dove).
Author says that former one is much smaller than European.

Their habits probably do not differ in any way from that of the European bird.

分布. ヒメモリバトは渡り鳥であり、夏は中央アジアで過ごし、寒くなるときだけインドに訪れる。



鳩 ヒメモリバト イラスト stock dove
ヒメモリバト Stock Dove
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)


コウライバト Hill pigeon (Columba rupestris)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution. Central Asia from Gilgit to south Siberia and Corea; common in Tibet and some of the drier valleys of the higher Himalayas.

It is a bird of cliffs, rocks, and open country, not of forests.
They are well-flavoured birds, just like the ordinary wild Pigeon, that is to say, like a tame one, but drier and less fat.

分布. ギルギット(パキスタン北部)、からシベリア南部、朝鮮半島までの中央アジア; チベットやヒマラヤの乾燥した丘陵地帯ではよく見られる。


鳩 コウライバト イラスト Hill pigeon
コウライバト Hill Pigeon
From  "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)


キンバト Common Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (Summary). The Emerald Dove is found throughout the greater part of India in forest country where there is a sufficient rainfall. It is also found in Nepal, Bhutan, Malay Peninsula, Archipelago into New Guinea, southern China and Philippines.

This charming little Dove is essentially a forest-bird.
They are very active on the ground, and though normally they move about in a rather sedate and graceful manner, they are capable of great speed when disturbed or when roused to extra exertions by a flight of white ants.
The Emerald Dove is very fond of wild strawberries.


分布(要約). インドの雨が十分に降る森林地帯、ネパール、ブータン、マレー半島、ニューギニア諸島、中国南部、フィリピンに生息する。


鳩 キンバト イラスト common emerald dove
キンバト Emerald Dove
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)