

デメキン - Demekin (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Demekin" (goldfish with protruding eyes) - This variety was first introduced from China toward the close of Japan-China war (1894-95). It has protruding eyeballs, and the body and the caudal fin are short. It is not usually bright colored, being black all over the body or yellowish red variegated with black spots or irregular patches.


"デメキン" - この変種は日清戦争の頃に中国から渡って来た。突出した眼球を持ち、胴体と尾びれは短い。通常明るい色をしていなく、全体が黒色、あるいは黄みがかった赤い体に黒いまだらや斑が乗っている。

金魚 デメキン イラスト
デメキン Demekin
from "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)

デメキン (金魚)壁紙 Demekin (Goldfish) Desktop wallpaper
(1900X1200 pixels)
5/21追記:1920x1200の画像は上のタブの1920x1200 wallpaperから探してください

デメキン (金魚) Demekin (Goldfish) iphone/ipod touch wallpaper
for lock screen

デメキン (金魚) Demekin (Goldfish) iphone/ipod touch wallpaper
for home screen