

オランダシシガシラ - Oranda shishigashira (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Oranda shishigashira" (rare lion-headed) - 
This resembles the ranchu in its bodily form with strawberry like protuberances on the head. The body is big and longer than that of the ryukin and furnished with the dorsal fin; the caudal fin is long.
Note: In English they are called simply as "Oranda" (literally means Netherlands).
Although they were imported from China by late 18th century, named according to a curious custom that Japanese called rare items as Oranda in those days.


"オランダシシガシラ" - この種は体型はランチュウに似て頭にイチゴの様なこぶがある。

追記: オランダシシガシラの写真を色々見てもこのイラストに似ていなかったのですが、どうやら日本オランダ(長手オランダ)と呼ばれている種類のようです。

金魚 オランダシシガシラ イラスト
オランダシシガシラ Oranda
from "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)

オランダシシガシラ壁紙 (1900X1200)
Oranda shishigashira Desktop wallpaper
5/21追記:1920x1200の画像は上のタブの1920x1200 wallpaperから探してください

オランダシシガシラ iphone 壁紙 (960X640)
Oranda shishigashira iphone/ipod touch wallpaper
for lock screen

オランダシシガシラ iphone 壁紙 (960X640)
Oranda shishigashira iphone/ipod touch wallpaper
for home screen