

キンランシ - Kinranshi (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Kinranshi" - With a view to obtaining a new variety without the dorsal fin, the ryukin was crossed with the ranchu. The number of parent fish, as well as the numerical ratio of the males to the females, was the same as in the preceding case (See Shubunkin page). The offspring thus produced were of a bright attractive color. Some were provided with the dorsal fin or spines, others partially provided with the former, while in some others there were protuverances in place of the dorsal fin. Those entirely destitute of any dorsal fin numbered only one-third of the whole. This last-mentioned variety, which I called "kinranshi" (brocade-figures), has been kept breeding up to date.

Note: Unfortunately, this variety became extinct.

"キンランシ" - 背びれのない新たな変種を得るために、リュウキンとランチュウが掛け合わされた。親魚の数や雄雌の比率はシュブンキンの場合と同様である。子供は明るく魅力的な色をしている。あるものは背びれやひれすじが、あるものはその痕跡が、またあるものは背びれの代わりに肉こぶができた。これらのうち、完全に背びれのないものは全体の1/3程度だった。この、背びれのない変種を私は"金襴子" (金襴の個体)と名付け、今日まで飼育されている。

 キンランシ Kinranshi
From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)


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