

シュブンキン - Shubunkin (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Shubunkin" - The year 1900 first saw this new variety. The goldfish hitherto known in Japan having no such dapples as are found in the Chinese demekin, which is dappled in three or four colors, the breeder had wished to have a variety produced having the same dapples as the Chinese. Thus the males and females, each ten in number, of the demekin having the most attractive dapples were crossed with an equal number of the males and females of the wakin. The breeding fish selected were the demekin having black dapples on a vermilion red or purple ground and those speckled with red, white, black, and blue. Some of the offspring resembled the original Carassius auratus in form and had dapples like the demekin, while in some others the scales were not so conspicuous as is the case with the demekin. On the whole, however, those resembling the wakin were most numerous, while those similar to the demekin in form were very few; and the number of the cross the breeder had in view was only 1oo out of a total of 500. This new variety, to which I gave the name of "shubunkin" ("vermilion red dappled with different hues"), has since been kept breeding. Among its descendants some were of a vermilion color, dappled with black, some of a purple color all over the body without any dapples, and the others speckled with three or four colors. The entirely purple color above referred to was quite an unknown thing in the parent fish.

"シュブンキン" - 1900年に初めてこの変種を見た。これまでに日本で飼育されている金魚には、中国産デメキン(3, 4種の色のまだらがある)に見られるようなまだら模様がなかった。
この飼育者(秋山氏)はこの中国産のようなまだら模様を取り入れたいと切望していた。そして最も魅力的なまだらを持つデメキンの雄、雌10匹ずつと、同数のワキンとを交配させた。ここから選択されたのは赤あるいは紫の体に黒いまだらを持つデメキンと、小さな赤、白、黒、青の斑点を持つデメキンだった。いくつかの子供は原種であるCarassius auratus (緋鮒)と形が似つつ、デメキンのようなまだら模様を持っていた。またあるものは緋鮒に似つつも体の大きさはデメキンと変わらなかった。 まとめると、ワキンに似たものが最も多く、デメキンに形が似たものはほとんどいなかった。秋山氏が観察した子供は500のうちの100である。この新しい変種は、私が"朱文金"(たくさんの色彩のまだらがついた朱色")と名付け、今日まで飼育されている。これらの子孫のうちあるものは朱色に黒のまだらで、あるものは紫色でまだらがない、またそれ以外は3,4種の色の小さな斑点があるものである。この完全に紫色になる個体について、その親は他(まだらのある普通の)の物と区別がつかない。

シュブンキン Shubunkin
From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)
