

ランチュウ - Ranchu (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Ranchu" (round fish) - The body of this variety is short and rounded, its tail and broad head being also short. It has no dorsal fin.
The head, which is free from any abnormal features when the fish is quite young, in
two or three years develops all over it a number of protuberances, like the achenia of a strawberry. In this state it is called "shishi-gashira (lion-headed) ranchu".
Owing to the fact that this variety has a globular body, a short protuberant abdomen, and a short caudal fin, it can hardly swim, and is usually seen in an erect position with the head downward, which may be accounted for by the absence of the dorsal fin.

以下訳"ランチュウ" - この変種の体は短く丸く、その尾や頭も短い。背びれはない。
頭部は、ごく若い時期にはなんの異常もないが2, 3年飼育すると多くのこぶが生じ、イチゴの果実の様になる。この状態を"獅子頭 ランチュウ"と呼ぶ。

金魚 ランチュウ イラスト
ランチュウ Ranchu

フリー素材: PSD image of this fish 右クリックで保存

フリー素材: PNG image of this fish 右クリックで保存

素材使用例: サンプル壁紙 Goldfish wallpaper for iphone/ipod touch
(960x640 pixels)

ランチュウ壁紙 Ranchu Desktop wallpaper 1920X1200 pixels (L)
5/21追記:1920x1200の画像は上のタブの1920x1200 wallpaperから探してください

ランチュウ壁紙 Ranchu Desktop wallpaper 1920X1200 (S)
5/21追記:1920x1200の画像は上のタブの1920x1200 wallpaperから探してください

ランチュウ壁紙 Ranchu Desktop wallpaper 1600X1200

ランチュウ壁紙 Ranchu Desktop wallpaper 1200X1080