

たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part1

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

Japanese historians claim for it an Indian and religious origin. The same Buddhist doctrine which deprecated the wanton sacrifice of animal life is said to have suggested the gathering of flowers, liable to rapid destruction in a tropical climate, and prolonging their life by careful preservation. The survival of such a theory would seem to show that some form of the art was first introduced into this country with the adoption of the Buddhist faith, both as a part of its ritual (flowers being placed before the Buddhist spirits), and also as forming a pious pastime for the priests. The religion of Buddha, as is well known, reached Japan through China in the six century, and certain Chinese priests are referred to as the first teachers of the art of arranging flowers in Japan. It also appears that the earliest native practitioners in this country were famous priests, amongst whom Shotoku Taishi and Meikei Shonin are particularly mentioned.

These primitive flower compositions were, however, of a more accidental and, at the same time, of a more extravagant character than those of the art as it became afterwards modified and developed. They partook more of the nature of a Western bunch or nosegay, being crowded in arrangement and miscellaneous in substance, and without the severe conventionality of later methods. The style of composition adopted still survives under the name of Shin-no-hana, meaning Central Flower Arrangement, and is used for flowers placed as religious ornaments or offerings before shrines and tombs.

Note: I think this type is not referred as "shin-no-hana" but as "tate-bana" in these days.



訳注: 検索しても心の花というのは出てこなかったが、代わりにたて花という原始的な型があるそうで、これは中心に心(しん)と呼ばれる枝を直立させ、その下に枝を添える様式だそうです。
たて花 tate-bana
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 壁紙 Flower arrangement tate-bana 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1000)

たて花 壁紙 Flower arrangement tate-bana 
iphone wallpaper (960x640)

for lock screen

for home screen
