

たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part2

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

An approach to symmetry was a governing feature of such compositions (tate-bana or shin-no-hana style), the designers not having yet developed that less formal kind of balance discoverable in the modern style which is more in harmony with nature and admits of endless variety of form. Branches of blossoming trees or foliage were employed in their natural state, without artificial bending or trimming, to form a vertical central mass; and other flowers or bunches of foliage were disposed on either side in balancing groups.
The idea of imparting graceful and harmonious curves to the different lines of the composition was as yet undeveloped. Unlike the later and more refined flower arrangements, this early style was remarkable for the mixture of a variety of different materials.



たて花 tate-bana
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper

1600x1000 pixels

たて花 tate-bana iphone 壁紙 wallpaper

for lock screen

for home screen
