

たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part3

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

The lines of a composition, distinguished by such terms as center, sub-center, and support, were respectively formed of branches of different growth, some of which were in full leaf or flower, and others purposely light and sparse in character. Large leaves of other plants were used at the base or connection of these various branches, to hide their bareness below, and careful attention was given to the bends and curves of these leaves so as to reveal their front and back surfaces in a well balanced contrast. Even in this comparatively early form of the art, the proportion which the floral composition held to the vessel which contained it, was fixed by rule, a practice which was followed in all later arrangements.

たて花を構成する線は心、副中心, 支えであり、あるものが多くの葉や花であれば、他のものは淡く目立たないものであるなど、異なる要素で構成される。 大きな葉は基礎の部分や枝々をつなげる部分に使われ、むき出しの枝を隠す。また、これらの葉の曲がり方は葉の表面や裏面が丁度良いコントラストを示すように計算される。この、原始的な芸術であっても、花と花器の均整はルールによって保たれており、後の生け花に影響を与えている。

たて花 tate-bana flower arrangement
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 壁紙 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper 
1600x1000 pixels

たて花 壁紙 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper 
1600x1200 pixels