

ミノバト Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution. Extends from the Cocos and Andaman Islands, Nicobars and islands of the Malay Archipelago as far as the Solomon Islands.

"I always found them on the ground. If two adults, or two young ones met they generally made a peck or two at one another before separating. They are very silent birds, and the only note I heard was a somewhat hoarse, guttural kind of croak, not unlike that sometimes made by the domestic Pigeon when taken in the hand."


分布. ココス諸島から, アンダマン諸島, ニコバル諸島、マレー諸島、ソロモン諸島まで生息する。


鳩 ミノバト イラスト Nicobar Pigeon
ミノバト Nicobar Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)