

ソデグロバト Pied Imperial Pigeon (Ducula bicolor)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution(Summary). From the Andamans and Nicobars through the Malay Archipelago to New Guinea and Autralia.

A strikingly handsome bird, it associates in large flocks, and fifty or sixty dashing with a clatter of wings out of a tall tree, their back and white plumage showing up vividly against the background of green foliage, are a sight to gladden the eyes of a naturalist wandering in these steamy jungles. Though one would hardly think it, their boldly pied colouring of jetty black and cream colour is more or less protective.  On the wing they are, of course, conspicuous, but among the shifting lights and shadows of a thickly-leafed tree on which the sunlight is falling, they are extremely hard to make out. I have known a flock were in the branches above me, and yet perhaps only one bird on the outside of the tree with the light shining on its bright breast would be visible. Their note is a chuckling hu-hu-hu.


分布(要約). アンダマン諸島, ニコバル諸島からマレー諸島、ニューギニア、オーストラリアに生息する


ソデグロバト Pied Imperial Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) 

ソデグロバト 壁紙 Pied Imperial Pigeon Desktop wallpaper
鳩 ソデグロバト イラスト Pied imperial pigeon

ソデグロバト 壁紙 Pied Imperial Pigeon Desktop wallpaper