

ミカドバト Green Imperial Pigeon (Ducula aenea)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution. India, Ceylon, Andamans, Indo-Burmese Countries, Cochin-China, Hainan, Sunda Islands and The Philippines.

They are occasionally caged by the natives of India, and I have seen one or two birds in captivity; but they are uninteresting pets when kept in small cages, for they become very lethargic and slow in their movements, and in their intense greediness make themselves in a terrible state when gorging on plantains, or suttoo, a kind of porridge which forms their principal article of diet when caged.

It is an excellent bird for the table, though it varies a good deal in flavour according to  what it has been feeding on.

以下訳. インド、スリランカ, アンダマン諸島(マレーシア)、インド-ビルマ周辺国、コーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム), ベトナム, スンダ諸島(インドネシア), フィリピンに生息する。



鳩 ミカドバト イラスト
ミカドバト Green Imperial Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

ミカドバト壁紙 Green Imperial Pigeon Desktop wallpaper

ミカドバト壁紙 Green Imperial Pigeon Desktop wallpaper

ハリオアオバト Pin-tailed Green Pigeon (Treron apicauda)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (Summary). Throughout the Himalayas and throughout the hill-ranges of Burma.

Nidification. The Pin-tailed Green Pigeon is essentially a bird of the hills and montains, ascending them throughout its ranges to over 6,000 ft., and being more common above 2,000 ft. than below this height.

分布(要約). ヒマラヤ全域とミャンマー全域など

行動. ハリオアオバトは基本的に丘陵、山岳地帯に住み、海抜600m以上に多く住む。
海抜1800m を超える地域にも住んでいると考えられる。

鳩 ハリオアオバト イラスト
ハリオアオバト Pin-tailed Green Pigeon
(左雄, 右雌; Left male, Right female)
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

ハシブトアオバト Thick-billed Green Pigeon (Treron curvirostra)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (Summary). The Thick-billed Green Pigeon is found throughout the Himalayas from Nepal in the west, the better wooded parts of eastern Bengal, throughout Burma,  Annam, Siam, and Cochin China.

Very common in north-east frontier of India, Bhutan, the Miri (city of Malaysia), and north-west Burma.

They do well in captivity, and are very handsome little Pigeons, the brilliant red of their bill and the vivid green of the orbital skin considerably enhancing the general beauty of their lovely plumage. If the birds get ill the green of the orbital skin becomes very dull and more of a livid than a verdigris green.

分布 (要約). この鳩はヒマラヤ全域、ベンガル州の森林地帯、ミャンマー全域、ベトナム, タイ, コーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム)に生息する。



鳩 ハシブトアオバト イラスト
ハシブトアオバト Thick-billed Green Pigeon
(左が雌, 右が雄; Left, female, Right, male)
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)


オオアオバト Large Green Pigeon (Treron capellei)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (summary). Rarely observed in India. It is found in the Mergui Archipelago, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and Java.

Nidification. Nothing yet known.


分布(要約). インドにはほとんど見られない。メルグイ諸島, マレー半島, スマトラ, ボルネオ, ジャワに住む。

行動. ほとんど知られていない。

鳩 オオアオバト イラスト
オオアオバト Large Green Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

オオアオバト Large Green Pigeon
Desktop wallpaper 1600x1000

オオアオバト Large Green Pigeon
Desktop wallpaper 1600x1200

ムネアカアオバト Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Note: In this book, Treron bicincta were divided into two subspecies, Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta domvillii) and Lesser Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicincta bicincta). Description and image below are of latter one.

Distribution. Ceylon, Malabar, and the Bombay Presidency as far north as Kanara, the south of Madras to about latitude 14˚.

It is very common in parts of Ceylon, Travancore, and in Malabar, but outside these districts seems tobe very rare. The species, both this and domvillii, seems to require forest or extremely well wooded country of considerable humidity, and is rare or absent in the more dry zones.

It has a regular time, like other Fruit-Pigeons and Doves, for drinking, which is about seven in the morning and four in the afternoon.

The flesh of this species is succulent and well-flavoured.

分布. セイロン(スリランカ), マラバル, ボンベイ(ムンバイ)の北はカナラ, 南はマドラスの北緯14˚まで生息する。

この亜種はセイロンやトラヴァンコール藩王国, マラバルでは普通に見られるが、これら以外の地域ではほとんど見られない。それは、この亜種とTreron domvilliiが湿度を十分にもつ森や林を好み、乾燥地帯に住まない為のようである。



鳩 ムネアカアオバト イラスト
ムネアカアオバト Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)


ニッケイアオバト Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon (Treron fulvicollis)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Distribution (Summary). Rarely observed in Tenasserim. Outside our Indian limits it is found in Cochin China, the Federated Malay States, and Malay Archipeligo to Celebes and the Phillipines.


分布. タニンダーリ管区(ミャンマー南部)でまれに見られる。英領インドの外ではコーチシナ(フランス領南ベトナム), マレー連合州(英領), セレベス(現スラウェシ)からフィリピンまでのマレー諸島に見られる。


鳩 ニッケイアオバト イラスト
ニッケイアオバト Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

ニッケイアオバト Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper 1600x1000

ッケイアオバト Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper 1600x1200


キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon (Treron phoenicopterus)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

Note: In this book, Yellow-footed Green Pigeon was divided into three subspecies, Crocopus phoenicopterus phoenicopterus (Bengal Green Pigeon), Crocopus phoenicopterus viridifrons (Burmese Green Pigeon) and Crocopus phoenicopterus chlorogaster (Southern Green Pigeon).
Description and image below is about Burmese Green Pigeon.

Distribution. The range of this subspecies extends over northern Burma and the hill-ranges of north-east Burma, south-east into Cochin China, and as far south as Moulmein.

It is essentially a bird of the plains, as Osmotreron phayrei (Ashy-headed Green Pigeon) is of the hills. It has all the habits of the other Green Pigeons, and like them, is very noisy and quarrelsome when feeding.

注: この本ではキアシアオバトの3種の亜種を取り上げ、この項目はその1種のもの Burmese Green Pigeonのもの。

分布. この亜種は北ビルマや北東ビルマの丘陵地帯, 東南はコーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム), 南はモーラミャイン(ミャンマーの都市; 英領ビルマの首都)まで生息する。


鳩 キアシアオバト イラスト
キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
From  "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

キアシアオバト Yellow-footed Green Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper 1600x1000
フルサイズはこちら→1920x1200 or 1920x1080


ハイガシラアオバト Ashy-headed green pigeon (Treron Phayrei)

From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913) by E.C. Stuart Baker et al.

"The Ashy-headed Green Pigeon"
Distribution (Summary). - This pigeon is found in Lower Bengal, becoming more common in the eastern Bengal districts.   In northern Burma it is equally numerous, and thence it ranges east into Cochin China and south as far as Tenasserim, but not into the Malay States.

Crooning. - a sort of low "coo, coo," very like a dove's but lower and deeper, I have never heard uttered except by the mate. It is quite a sweet sound, though not so beautiful as the whistling-note.

Other. - Very common game bird.

Note: This is a subspecies of Pompadour Green Pigeon (Treron pompadora).

分布. (一部省略) この鳩は下部ベンガル(イギリス領インドのベンガル州)のうち、東の方で多く見られる。北部ビルマから、東はコーチシナ(フランス領南部ベトナム), 南はテナセリウム(現 ミャンマー南部, タニンダーリ管区)に生息している。

鳴き声. クークーという、普通の鳩に良く似ているが低く深い鳴き声。筆者は交尾の時以外この声を聞かなかった。この声は鳥のさえずりにはおよばないが、とても甘い響きである。

その他. 狩猟でよくとられる

注: ハイビタイアオバト (Treron Ponpadora)の一亜種、正式な和名は不明

鳩 ハイガシラアオバト イラスト
ハイガシラアオバト Ashy-headed Green Pigeon
From "Indian pigeons and doves" (1913)

ハイガシラアオバト壁紙 Ashy-headed Green Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1000)

ハイガシラアオバト壁紙 Ashy-headed Green Pigeon 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1200)

ハイガシラアオバト壁紙 Ashy-headed Green Pigeon 
for iphone/ipod touch (960x640)

for lock and home screen

オリジナル画像 左が雌で右が雄
(Original image, left: female, right: male)


立花 early style of flower arrangement Rikkwa

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

Another early style of arrangement existed, suited to bread basin-like vessels, and adapted to the employment of large
stumps of trees in divided groups. Such compositions revealed no attempt at symmetry, but resembled somewhat a
kind of miniature gardening. Heavy branched trunks of willow, pine, plum, maple, or other favorite trees were grouped with divided spaces between, and sometimes with plants or grasses, added at their base.


立花 Rikkwa early style of flower arrangement
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) 

立花 壁紙 Rikkwa Desktop wallpaper

立花 壁紙 Rikkwa Desktop wallpaper
