

たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part3

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

The lines of a composition, distinguished by such terms as center, sub-center, and support, were respectively formed of branches of different growth, some of which were in full leaf or flower, and others purposely light and sparse in character. Large leaves of other plants were used at the base or connection of these various branches, to hide their bareness below, and careful attention was given to the bends and curves of these leaves so as to reveal their front and back surfaces in a well balanced contrast. Even in this comparatively early form of the art, the proportion which the floral composition held to the vessel which contained it, was fixed by rule, a practice which was followed in all later arrangements.

たて花を構成する線は心、副中心, 支えであり、あるものが多くの葉や花であれば、他のものは淡く目立たないものであるなど、異なる要素で構成される。 大きな葉は基礎の部分や枝々をつなげる部分に使われ、むき出しの枝を隠す。また、これらの葉の曲がり方は葉の表面や裏面が丁度良いコントラストを示すように計算される。この、原始的な芸術であっても、花と花器の均整はルールによって保たれており、後の生け花に影響を与えている。

たて花 tate-bana flower arrangement
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 壁紙 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper 
1600x1000 pixels

たて花 壁紙 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper 
1600x1200 pixels

たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part2

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

An approach to symmetry was a governing feature of such compositions (tate-bana or shin-no-hana style), the designers not having yet developed that less formal kind of balance discoverable in the modern style which is more in harmony with nature and admits of endless variety of form. Branches of blossoming trees or foliage were employed in their natural state, without artificial bending or trimming, to form a vertical central mass; and other flowers or bunches of foliage were disposed on either side in balancing groups.
The idea of imparting graceful and harmonious curves to the different lines of the composition was as yet undeveloped. Unlike the later and more refined flower arrangements, this early style was remarkable for the mixture of a variety of different materials.



たて花 tate-bana
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 tate-bana Desktop wallpaper

1600x1000 pixels

たて花 tate-bana iphone 壁紙 wallpaper

for lock screen

for home screen



たて花 (心の花) Shin-no-hana Part1

From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891) by Josiah Conder

Japanese historians claim for it an Indian and religious origin. The same Buddhist doctrine which deprecated the wanton sacrifice of animal life is said to have suggested the gathering of flowers, liable to rapid destruction in a tropical climate, and prolonging their life by careful preservation. The survival of such a theory would seem to show that some form of the art was first introduced into this country with the adoption of the Buddhist faith, both as a part of its ritual (flowers being placed before the Buddhist spirits), and also as forming a pious pastime for the priests. The religion of Buddha, as is well known, reached Japan through China in the six century, and certain Chinese priests are referred to as the first teachers of the art of arranging flowers in Japan. It also appears that the earliest native practitioners in this country were famous priests, amongst whom Shotoku Taishi and Meikei Shonin are particularly mentioned.

These primitive flower compositions were, however, of a more accidental and, at the same time, of a more extravagant character than those of the art as it became afterwards modified and developed. They partook more of the nature of a Western bunch or nosegay, being crowded in arrangement and miscellaneous in substance, and without the severe conventionality of later methods. The style of composition adopted still survives under the name of Shin-no-hana, meaning Central Flower Arrangement, and is used for flowers placed as religious ornaments or offerings before shrines and tombs.

Note: I think this type is not referred as "shin-no-hana" but as "tate-bana" in these days.



訳注: 検索しても心の花というのは出てこなかったが、代わりにたて花という原始的な型があるそうで、これは中心に心(しん)と呼ばれる枝を直立させ、その下に枝を添える様式だそうです。
たて花 tate-bana
From "The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement" (1891)

たて花 壁紙 Flower arrangement tate-bana 
Desktop wallpaper (1600x1000)

たて花 壁紙 Flower arrangement tate-bana 
iphone wallpaper (960x640)

for lock screen

for home screen



"Goldfish and their culture in Japan まとめ"

Goldfish and their culture in Japan (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubaraより

- 秋錦、朱文金、金襴子のうち、最も人気なのが秋錦、最も収益が出るのが朱文金であった。
- 金魚は帝国のどこでも飼育されているが、特に東京と大和郡山(奈良)で盛んである。
- 全体的に言って、ほとんどの人気種は東京と大和郡山で生産されており、その他の産地では、東日本では東京風、西南日本では大和郡山風の飼育方法がとられている。

- 東京の金魚文化
東京で飼育されている金魚はランチュウ、リュウキン、 デメキン、ワキンである。




5/21追記:1920x1200の画像は上のタブの1920x1200 wallpaperから探してください




キンランシ - Kinranshi (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Kinranshi" - With a view to obtaining a new variety without the dorsal fin, the ryukin was crossed with the ranchu. The number of parent fish, as well as the numerical ratio of the males to the females, was the same as in the preceding case (See Shubunkin page). The offspring thus produced were of a bright attractive color. Some were provided with the dorsal fin or spines, others partially provided with the former, while in some others there were protuverances in place of the dorsal fin. Those entirely destitute of any dorsal fin numbered only one-third of the whole. This last-mentioned variety, which I called "kinranshi" (brocade-figures), has been kept breeding up to date.

Note: Unfortunately, this variety became extinct.

"キンランシ" - 背びれのない新たな変種を得るために、リュウキンとランチュウが掛け合わされた。親魚の数や雄雌の比率はシュブンキンの場合と同様である。子供は明るく魅力的な色をしている。あるものは背びれやひれすじが、あるものはその痕跡が、またあるものは背びれの代わりに肉こぶができた。これらのうち、完全に背びれのないものは全体の1/3程度だった。この、背びれのない変種を私は"金襴子" (金襴の個体)と名付け、今日まで飼育されている。

 キンランシ Kinranshi
From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)


金襴子 Kinranshi iphone wallpaper lock and home screen

シュブンキン - Shubunkin (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Shubunkin" - The year 1900 first saw this new variety. The goldfish hitherto known in Japan having no such dapples as are found in the Chinese demekin, which is dappled in three or four colors, the breeder had wished to have a variety produced having the same dapples as the Chinese. Thus the males and females, each ten in number, of the demekin having the most attractive dapples were crossed with an equal number of the males and females of the wakin. The breeding fish selected were the demekin having black dapples on a vermilion red or purple ground and those speckled with red, white, black, and blue. Some of the offspring resembled the original Carassius auratus in form and had dapples like the demekin, while in some others the scales were not so conspicuous as is the case with the demekin. On the whole, however, those resembling the wakin were most numerous, while those similar to the demekin in form were very few; and the number of the cross the breeder had in view was only 1oo out of a total of 500. This new variety, to which I gave the name of "shubunkin" ("vermilion red dappled with different hues"), has since been kept breeding. Among its descendants some were of a vermilion color, dappled with black, some of a purple color all over the body without any dapples, and the others speckled with three or four colors. The entirely purple color above referred to was quite an unknown thing in the parent fish.

"シュブンキン" - 1900年に初めてこの変種を見た。これまでに日本で飼育されている金魚には、中国産デメキン(3, 4種の色のまだらがある)に見られるようなまだら模様がなかった。
この飼育者(秋山氏)はこの中国産のようなまだら模様を取り入れたいと切望していた。そして最も魅力的なまだらを持つデメキンの雄、雌10匹ずつと、同数のワキンとを交配させた。ここから選択されたのは赤あるいは紫の体に黒いまだらを持つデメキンと、小さな赤、白、黒、青の斑点を持つデメキンだった。いくつかの子供は原種であるCarassius auratus (緋鮒)と形が似つつ、デメキンのようなまだら模様を持っていた。またあるものは緋鮒に似つつも体の大きさはデメキンと変わらなかった。 まとめると、ワキンに似たものが最も多く、デメキンに形が似たものはほとんどいなかった。秋山氏が観察した子供は500のうちの100である。この新しい変種は、私が"朱文金"(たくさんの色彩のまだらがついた朱色")と名付け、今日まで飼育されている。これらの子孫のうちあるものは朱色に黒のまだらで、あるものは紫色でまだらがない、またそれ以外は3,4種の色の小さな斑点があるものである。この完全に紫色になる個体について、その親は他(まだらのある普通の)の物と区別がつかない。

シュブンキン Shubunkin
From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)


シュウキン - Shukin (Goldfish)

From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910) by Shinnosuke Matsubara

"Shukin" - In 1897 a new variety, having its own peculiarities, was produced by the following means: Oranda shishigashira, ten in number and 3 years old, were crossed with ranchu equal in number and also of the same age. The cross thus made produced about 300 young fish, of which some were like the oranda shishigashira in form. There were 20 entirely without the dorsal fin; but in a large majority of the young there were some traces of the dorsal fin, one to three spines or something like knobs being discernible in its place. Those without any dorsal fin were then selected for breeding purposes, and in their offspring were still found some with traces of dorsal fin such as the spines and knobs mentioned above. This variety without the dorsal fin has been kept breeding up to the present; and being requested by the breeder to give it an appropriate name, I called it "shukin" (literally "autumn brocade"). The adjective "shu" takes its rise in the breeder's name, Akiyama (Chinese, Shu-zan, i. e., "autumn hill"), and the "kin" signifies "brocade", the epithet being given on account of the beautiful bright color.
Note: This variety once became extinct, but breeder had tried to make similar variety by similar kind of crossing, resulting in new Shukin in these days.
However, the new Shukin lacks protuberances on the head unlikely to
classic Shukin.

"シュウキン" - 1897年にこれまでにない特徴を持った新種が以下の方法によって作成された。3歳のオランダシシガシラ10匹と3歳のランチュウ10匹を交配させ、約300の稚魚ができた。あるものはオランダシシガシラに形が似ていた。20匹は完全に背びれがなかったが、ほとんどの物は背びれの痕跡(1~3個のひれすじや、こぶのようなもの)があった。このうち完全に背びれのないものを以降の飼育に選択した。これらの子供にはまだ背びれの痕跡(上で述べたような)が見られるものが出て来た。この背びれを欠いた変種は現在まで飼育されている。飼育者の秋山吉五郎氏が筆者にふさわしい名前を付けてほしいというので私はこれを"秋錦"と名付けた。"秋"は飼育者である秋山(音読みにするとシュウザン)氏から、"錦"はこの変種の美しい明るい色に由来している。

訳注: 本文中spineは脊椎の意味ですが文意的にrayのことと思われるのでひれすじと訳しました

金魚 シュウキン イラスト
シュウキン Shukin
From "Goldfish and their culture in Japan" (1910)




Epperleinら (2007年)の研究によると、サンショウウオの背びれの大小は


ランチュウ Ranchu iphone/ipod touch 用壁紙


ランチュウ壁紙 iphone lock screen

ランチュウ壁紙 iphone home screen

ipod だとこんな感じです。